"Nickname Goes Here"
As much as Tyler has come to represent the so-called "New School" of the GEE, he has actually been following the community for longer than almost anyone. Yes, he was one of many visitors to Wes's original GE ranks
back in 98/99, though he didn't end up joining either of the pages until the end of 2000. Since then, he has set a Board legacy of his own: rude, insulting, random, provoking, cocky, n00b-bashing, always furious... and that's not to mention the near-constant derogatory comments about your mother.
Probably the best way to describe it would be to say that he brought an LUE mentality to what had been an utterly LUEser-less community.
Sometimes, though, he's flat-out hilarious. And those who have gotten to know him outside the boards report quickly becoming fast friends with the guy. What else... oh, he's played some GE, and accomplished some nice stuff there.
Especially his :26 Depot Agent, :48 Egypt A, and :39 Runway 00, all of which have gotten him into hot water, in one of the funnier long-delayed proof tales I've ever seen. So, vote Tyler... if you're a *(%&sucker!