"Nickname Goes Here"
Without a doubt, the man some call "w00ter" is crazy. Firstly, he's crazy-talented. I can't even begin to describe all the stuff he's accomplished in the world of GE... he's held every WR at least once,
including 52 total (23 of them untied) at one time. Also, after his recent unwhoard he found himself holding more total points than anyone since the golden age of Sterling's reign, over 3 and a half years ago. (And... there's plenty more, check His Version for the rest.)
Secondly, he's crazy-dedicated. Wouter isn't one of those guys who pretends each record was achieved with only a couple minutes effort; he'll honestly admit that no one, anywhere, has put more time into the game than himself. Thirdly, he's absolutely crazy about proof, practically having more
of it himself than the rest of the Elite combined! And, finally, he's just plain crazy. Like, literally nuts. He claims to have enough personalities to adjust to any situation... somehow, I doubt anyone who's had a conversation with the guy would disagree. And then there's something about being a
woman? I have no idea... Well, regardless of how wacky he gets, he's the best player around and a great contributor to the Elite, so cast a vote in his direction!