The Elite Summer Contest
The Complete Chat Logs!

It was, in all respects, a wild and crazy summer. The Contest was without a doubt a huge success, as all involved seemed to really enjoy themselves. However, the most fun of all was had in The Elite Chatroom. Yes, it was there that the Contest was invented, created, debated, and eventually wrapped up. Some good discussion was to be had on the boards, and alot was said over IMs, but all the while it was really the Chat that was at the heart of things. If you didn't drop by often enough last summer, don't worry; you'll now have a chance to relive the magic for yourself, again and again. Enjoy!

A Contest is Born. {April 13th} Alright, so a Jew, an Asian, and three flaming homosexuals walk into a Chatroom, right. And Ngamer's already there, see? ...crazy as it seems, that was not the start of a bad joke, but rather a fantastic Contest! Yup, this is where it all went down. What began as a boring Saturday afternoon evolved into a marathon 6(!) hour meeting, in which all 68 competitors were not only selected, but also seeded and formed into brackets. It was a day unlike any other... this is one Chat you've GOT to see. [HTML version]
CieloAzor: Too many Tyler haters I think.
TopRogue7: people either love tyler, like him, don't have feelings on him, dislike him, or hate him
Cyber1166: OR... somewhere in between those
TopRogue7: yeah, OR that
TopRogue7: okay okay
TopRogue7: so who will be selection committee?
CieloAzor: It looks like we are.
Cyber1166: should we plow ahead with the brackets? or do it tomorrow night?
comeasur337: I'm ready tonight...
CieloAzor: I'll stay if you will.
TopRogue7: well my night's ruined =P
CieloAzor: heh
comeasur337: Haha.
Cyber1166: well... who's got stuff to do tonight?
TopRogue7: and i can't do anything else tonight, everyone is probably out
comeasur337: i dont have anything tonight
Cyber1166: not me
O0iggy: i don't have anything to do
CieloAzor: Nothing.
Cyber1166: hehe
TopRogue7: let's do it!!!!11111
CieloAzor: We're all losers then, it's settled.
comeasur337: Yes!
Cyber1166: Yup!
Cyber1166: the first 3 hours were fun... let's go for 2 more!

Pre-Contest Warmup. {May 15th} What the duce? I have no idea why I saved this, but I did, and so I'm putting it up. Um... this is what went on in Chat the week before the Contest kicked off. Nothing really amazing here, except how crazily-active the room was.

The First Week. {June 5th - 10th} This was how the contest got off to a start, as this log covers from Greg K's first match to Matt Cook's opening battle. There's some classic stuff in here, including what was one of the funniest moments of the entire Contest, when Tyler came up with the idea to invite Jimbo into the room, then have everyone remain dead silent for an entire minute. At that point, we would all yell "FAG" at once. It worked brilliantly, as Jim was FAGed 10 times in just two seconds. Has to be seen to be believed.

GoldeneyeGuy007 has entered the room.
GoldeneyeGuy007: OK Mark, why did YOU invite me?
GoldeneyeGuy007: And HOLY SHIT
comeasur337: FAG
CieloAzor: FAG!!!!
Shade JF 666: FAG!
DnTn31: FAG!!!!!\
Nemesis7891: FAG!
TopRogue7: FAG!
Cyber1166: FAG
TrevellyanOO6: FAG
GoldenGreg007: FAG!@!!!!!
yoshifan28: FAG
GoldenGreg007: yeah!! go team!
DnTn31: ROFL
comeasur337: W00T
DnTn31: that was nice
CieloAzor: haha
GoldeneyeGuy007: lmao
GoldenGreg007: slap hands! slap hands!
TopRogue7: lmmfao
DnTn31: heheheheheh
comeasur337: *slaps ass*
Shade JF 666: that was nice
GoldenGreg007: that was beautiful
comeasur337: I mean hands
Cyber1166: best chat moment.... ever
comeasur337: someone sig this
Shade JF 666: this will go in archives

Jimbo Gets P'Zoned. {June 8th} Afterwards, we moved to a new chat, where we would simultaneously tell Jimbo he'd just been pwned. Check the results... in Technicolor! [HTML VERSION]

comeasur337: gonna invite him now..
: everyone say pwned
: 1 minute after
has entered the room.
: Bah
: What in the hell?
TrevellyanOO6: pwned
DnTn31: QWNED!!!!!!!
: PWNED!!!!!111!!111!!!1!!1!11!!!!
GoldenGreg007: PWNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111!!!!!!!!!!!

The Second Week. {June 14th - 15th} A short but good log, covering the first matches for Youse and Vinze (which featured a nice Ngamer fake-out, leading to the slowest FV of the Contest).

More of Week Two. {June 16th - 19th} After some friends accidentally restarted overnight, I was forced to scramble for votes the following morning (and not for the last time, unfortunately). But the main highlight here has to be how Come took the FV to its limits for the first time, attempting to fool people with a total of three fake screen names. After he was booted himself, we doubled-teamed to form a beautiful bury-job.

Cyberll66: Zwartjes v. Osterland -- Now ONLINE!
Cyberll66: Zwartjes v. Osterland -- Now ONLINE!
Cyber1166: Zwartjes v. Osterland -- Now ONLINE!
Cyberll66: Zwartjes v. Osterland -- Now ONLINE!
Cyberll66: Zwartjes v. Osterland -- Now ONLINE!
PerfectlyDarkOne: i was slow
Cyber1166: QB wins!

Dialing Mr. Youse. {June 20th - 24th} Now this is a truly great Chat. At one point a mysterious (fake) stranger joins in and manages to confuse (fake) Bosshardt something terrible. Later on, Youse isn't around for the start of the Ngamer/Come matchup, and so Food gives him a wake-up call from across the country!
GregWollIsMyDad: Dad, guess what????
GoldenGreg007: what?
GregWollIsMyDad: ..........YOUR STUCK WITH IT!
GregWollIsMyDad: BOOYA!!!!
GoldenGreg007: SCORE ONE FOR THE RON MAN!!!!
GoldenGreg007: *gives son a hug*
GregWollIsMyDad has left the room.
GoldenGreg007: what a bastard
BigBosshardt007: was that really your son? thats immoral, you should be ashamed
Cyber1166: aww... just when it was getting touching
GoldenGreg007: :-( yes
GoldenGreg007: i don't remember creating him
GoldenGreg007: but i do get phone calls daily about it
GoldenGreg007: so i figure it must have happened
BigBosshardt007: you must be joking!
Myrph 6: Shit
Myrph 6: A brian lives there
Myrph 6: He was sleeping
Myrph 6: I hung up
comeasur337: hahaha
TopRogue7: hahaha
Cyber1166: hahahaha
dallasburn6231: haha
TopRogue7: Funny, I just woke up
Cyber1166: maybe Youse's parents think that?
Myrph 6: He was like..."He's sleeping, I'll go wake him up"
TopRogue7: pshaw
Cyber1166: ah, we got him!
dallasburn6231: lol
Myrph 6: I was just like "No, it's okay..."
Myrph 6: Did your phone just ring, Youse?
TopRogue7: Maybe.
Myrph 6: lol
Cyber1166: haha
TopRogue7: Yeah, it did =P
Myrph 6: rofl
TopRogue7: then my brother called for me
Cyber1166: yes!
Myrph 6: I must be psychic
TopRogue7: and then no one was there.
Myrph 6: lmao
Myrph 6: What'd he say?
TopRogue7: I said "ask who it is"
Myrph 6: Oh...damn
TopRogue7: and he said "they hung up"
Myrph 6: I was like..."Oh happened"
Myrph 6: Damn...I shoulda stayed on
TopRogue7: lol
Cyber1166: ah, if only you had

Week Three, whoo! {June 25th - 28th} At the start of the log, Come's nutty idea to put Eliter's pics up on (though we actually did pretty well, collectively) leads to Shade posting some pics from school. It was here that we came across "Pavla," who was soon elevated to the status of goddess, later becoming the unofficial Contest mascot. These three days also saw two matches come down to a single vote, as Breck sneaked by Bizi and Wes just barely topped Wabs. Come see our reactions!

Backboosted! {July 4th - 11th} The funniest night of Chat... ever. My oh my... I don't know if I would say I was proud to be a part of this, but I do know that I laughed until I fell out of my chair. * Warning - Not Work-Safe! * Well, Come and Woll were chatting, and (as per usual) the topic turned to pornography. Soon they had created a brand-new Elite, complete with heated PR competition. I'm just going to throw out selected highlights... but you absolutely MUST read this entire thing. Do it! [HTML VERSION]

comeasur337: can you beat 1:15?
i'll get the first wr now
comeasur337: hahah
comeasur337: i can get like.. 24 with lookdown
(haha, new strat! 2 seconds)
smurx god: Haha!
smurx god: i got a 1 second, on video for proof
lookdown, lmao
cruise control 8-)
they do have like man dildos
where you put your dick in it and it shakes i guess
so i suppose that might help for wrs
might not be allowed in the masterbation elite though
comeasur337: hahahahh
: thats like a game shark
kinda like a turbo controller
comeasur337: dickshark*

smurx god: guys, new thwacking record, :45, on tape, and plus I got some TTs
how many boosts did you have???
Cyber1166: if I know smurx, there were plenty of back boosts

smurx god: Unzipped pants at :02. Got a boner at :10 (I'm thinking :09 might be possible).
First speech skip at :12. Recieved a boost from J-Lo saving a couple seconds. Back-boostes by
Ben Affleck setting me back. and a :44.98 End Screen

TopRogue7 : I love N's random gay jokes.
TopRogue7 :
Anyone see his away message the other day?
Cyber1166 : that away message got a pretty weak response, though... only two people out of like 40 got it
comeasur337 : what did it say
: Youse and Snap, as it was
Mr Food 9891 : What message?
TopRogue7 : "Out celebrating a recent supreme court ruling... Catch you later"
comeasur337 : LMFGAO

The Return. {July 20th} Ngamer arrives back from vacation, only to be greeted by one of the most shocking welcome back parties of all time. Yes, he soon discovers that he had been narrowly defeated in his second round matchup with Breck! See also this conversation.
TopRogue7: Look who decided to show their face...
PerfectlyDarkOne: How could he ever show his face again?
comeasur337: Hes.. HERE
comeasur337: Cyber1166 (12:23:05 PM): that's right, he's back!
TopRogue7: That was 11 mins ago!
comeasur337: Maybe hes like.. in shock or something...
comeasur337: SHH
TopRogue7: SHH
PerfectlyDarkOne: I wonder if he passed out infront of his PC

Cyber1166: You know... I've had better "Welcome back from vacation!"s than this.
TopRogue7: !!!!!!!!!!
PerfectlyDarkOne: !
TopRogue7: HE does talk!
comeasur337: Go away Jon
PerfectlyDarkOne: rofl
Cyber1166: I think I'll crawl in a hole and... yeah, die, that sounds about right
comeasur337: Cool
comeasur337: Can I have your computer?
TopRogue7: Make sure it's an uncomfortable hole

The Night of a Thousand Boots. {July 21st} Ngamer at his bootinest best, as he manages to get the entire room disqualified! The wildest FV of all time, no doubt.
Cyber1166 (11:04:01 PM): I hope everyone's got their voting fingers ready!
GoldenGreg007 (11:04:05 PM): i don't
Cyber1166 (11:04:06 PM): because...
GoldenGreg007 (11:04:18 PM): i'm ready
IcyGuy900 (11:05:07 PM): C'mon. :-P
Cyber1166 (11:05:18 PM): Youse, do you know if Randy voted? online!?
CieloAzor (11:05:30 PM): As if that even makes sense.
Cyber1166 (11:05:30 PM): oh, nelly...
Cyber1166 (11:05:42 PM): Bosshard's gone!
Cyber1166 (11:05:52 PM): QB's dead in the water!
Cyber1166 (11:06:00 PM): Wouter's out!
Cyber1166 (11:06:12 PM): Come's booted
Cyber1166 (11:06:26 PM): Icy is otta here
Cyber1166 (11:06:39 PM): Iggy is done for!
Cyber1166 (11:06:52 PM): Woll is way, way out!
comeasur337 (11:06:35 PM): Randy v. Youse -- Now Online!
Cyber1166 (11:07:07 PM): Chan has been fooled!
Cyber1166 (11:07:31 PM): um... is anyone left?
comeasur337 (11:07:33 PM): hahahaha
GoldenGreg007 (11:07:35 PM): omfg!!!
CieloAzor (11:07:36 PM): Some random person will get it.
GoldenGreg007 (11:07:40 PM): lmfgao!!!!
GoldenGreg007 (11:07:45 PM): funniest thing ever
Cyber1166 (11:07:57 PM): hahahaha, the entire Chat's been kicked!
TopRogue7 (11:09:34 PM): that was the most hilarious FV ever

Ngamer Sleeps While Rome Burns. {July 23rd} In this episode, I accidentally drift off before the First Vote in Matthijs/Clark... then wake to find the previous match still tied! Mayhem ensues. Or DOES it? Yes, it does.

Youse Doesn't Get Mad. {July 26th} ...he gets even. Yes, an ill-timed stunt by Come and Company threatens to tear the Contest completely apart, as Bryan gets more angry that he's even been, and begins taking drastic actions. By the time it was all over, Come was banned for life, and Jimbo was fully reinstated! What a wild night! [HTML VERSION]

The Final Four. {July 31st} In what was to be my final FV (since Youse ended up running the last two), me and Come and the rest of the Chat Crew pulled out all the stops in DQing each other. Also, see the reaction to the last few matches.

Cyber1166 (11:18:10 PM): looks like everyone's ready
Cyber1166 (11:18:23 PM): get your fingers ready... because...
Cyberll66 (11:18:35 PM): 1. Snap v. 1. Wouter - Now Online!
(11:18:35 PM) Cyberll66 has entered the room.
(11:18:37 PM) Cyberll66 has left the room.
TheBigBossman007 (11:18:40 PM): fucked
Cyber1166 (11:18:47 PM): Boss is booted!
Cyber1166 (11:19:59 PM): ok, for REAL this time
(11:20:25 PM) O0iggy has entered the room.
Comeasur37 (11:20:35 PM): 1. Snap v. 1. Wouter - Now Online!
Cyber1166 (11:20:40 PM): there's IGGY - he's now online!
GoldenGreg007 (11:20:46 PM): gah you're gay
yoshifan28 (11:20:48 PM): haha
Cyber1166 (11:20:53 PM): Woll booted!
O0iggy (11:20:57 PM): yay, i'm online
TheBigBossman007 (11:21:11 PM): 1. Snap v. 1. Wouter - Now Online!
GoldeneyeGuy007 (11:21:16 PM): DAMNIT
Cyber1166 (11:21:22 PM): bye bye, Jimbo!
comeasur337 (11:21:38 PM): 1. Snap v. 1. Wouter - Now Online!
(11:21:38 PM) comeasur337 has entered the room.
Cyber1166 (11:21:39 PM): Come is a goner!
Cyber1166 (11:22:16 PM): Chan V Iggy
Cyber1166 (11:22:38 PM): let's see who wins... because...
GoldenGreg007 (11:22:41 PM): 1. Snap v. 1. Wouter - Now Online!
TheBigBossman007 (11:22:48 PM): 1. Snap v. 1. Wouter - Now Online!
comeasur337 (11:22:52 PM): 1. Snap v. 1. Wouter - Now Online!
Cyber1166 (11:23:07 PM): 1. Snap VS 1. Wouter - now online!
TheBigBossman007 (11:23:08 PM): 1. Snap v. 1. Wouter - Now Online!
GoldenGreg007 (11:23:14 PM): Cyber1166: 1. Snap v. 1. Wouter - Now Online!
O0iggy (11:23:18 PM): 1 second
Cyber1166 (11:23:22 PM): Chan wins!

The Bronze Medal Match. {August 5th} Kind of an "unofficial" match, but it was a good one, and there was some great chatting to be had. Unfortunately, this could also be described as "the day the Chat died," as it went largely inactive with the end of the contest. So check the last day of huge activity, won't you?

The Awards Ceremony. The original Selection Committee is reunited one last time to hand out the Contest's top awards. Also, check out Part Two. Now you'll finally be able to see all the gory details, including some that were even left out of my epic, novel-length Awards post. [Both are HTML versions.]